Monday, January 26, 2009

An average day.....

Well, nothing spectacular happened today and yet it feels like a lot happened today. Megan was up from 2-4 this morning and then awake by 7:15! Oh yeah, I'm already scared of today before I even get to my cheerios! Well, I'm still coughing up a lung, Jacob woke with snot dried all over his face and Megan was up because she can't breath--combined we have a cold!

So, staying in the house just becomes miserable sometimes ya know? So, off to make a return and do a little toy shopping in exchange for Christmas shoes that didn't fit. We arrived home to find a sack of hand me downs so after Jacob went to bed I took Megan donning her purple pajamas, new pink tutu and blue flip flops to Target! Oh yeah, I was that mom who took her kid in what she was wearing in search of kleenex with lotion for my poor little girl's red nose! I should have taken a picture, but we were just enjoying our time today. (blessing each other after sneezes and reminding each other to cover our mouths when we cough).

Before we reached home for lunch Megan informed me that I was making her rude. What a teachable moment sharing how we choose our attitude and how God wants our hearts to be happy and to show Him rather than choosing to have a bad or "rude" attitude. And yes, I laughed at that scowl on her face proclaiming it mommy's fault that she was being rude.

We are planning this weekend for a visit from our great friends who moved to TN shortly after we did last year. They'll be here for a week and we'll get to hang out and let our little girls giggle and love on each other--I promise cute pictures will be posted. The girls are so sweet together!

Today we also had sweet friends worried about their little boy--they had to have tests done at the hospital and fortunately he's home now and all is good, but what a reminder of how fragile our little ones are!

So, I'll keep our snot, cough and stuffy nose! I'm blessed to get to snuggle and sit up all night to help her breath and make special trips to Target for Kleenex with lotion so my princess's nose doesn't hurt. I love an average day.....

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh yuck! So sorry that you guys are all snotty.....hope you get over it sooner than later! Love you all!