Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What color wig should I get?

Who ever asks that question? Well, my mom did today. After receiving results back from her lumpectomy she is on the low end (40 on a scale of 1 to 100) of high risk for breast cancer recurrance, so now it is advised that she start chemo. She will go once a month on a Wednesday afternoon and be off from work on Thursday and Friday. We are prayerful that this proactive approach will further diminish the possibility of recurrance.

Just so you know I told her to do something fun with her hair! When else do you get the chance to reinvent yourself and come forth with a totally new look? I guess that would be my lemonade in the situation--I think I'd pick a red wig!

***UPDATE*** Mama went wig shopping today (Thursday) and decided on a strawberry blonde! She tried on everything in the store she said except the one she figured was gonna glow in the dark.....can't wait to see that!


Mary said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your mom has cancer....ugh! The good news is that they are constantly making positive strives toward a cure....Praise God! Yeah, I think she should go sassy red, too. I will be praying for her! Mary

Anonymous said...

Let me say....I would have gotten 3wigs--a blonde, a red, and a brunette! She couldv'e had lots of fun with that, u know, keep people guessing....what's Joyce gonna be today! HA! Sorry to hear she has to have chemo :( but at least they are being proactive! Miss you lots...