Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tag--You're It!

Well, a friend tagged me on her blog with a challenge to share 7 quirky things and to tag 7 friends to respond.....so here comes probably a little more than you ever knew about me!

1. I've never learned to ride a bike.

2. I don't blow my nose in front of just anyone....it goes beyond even close friends too. I just can't blow my nose in front of people.

3. I can't sleep with socks on my feet. My little toes have to breathe.

4. I put sugar on my rice and strawberries.

5. I have a freckle on the bottom of my right foot.

6. I don't/can't dance....I think it's a rhythm thing. Even though I sing and play the piano I can't really keep a beat. Maybe that's why all my teachers harped on me to use my metronome.

7. I can't take a nap or sleep without being covered up. Even if I'm hot, I have to have covers on me!

So there's 7 quirky things about me and now I tag:
Janna M.
Amy P.
Mary G.
Laura C.
Cindy G.
Amber M.
Cristina H.

So even if you don't blog--just respond and we'll be able to see a little more quirky about you too.

1 comment:

Jackson said...

You can't ride a bike??? Megan and Jacob will get you out there soon enough!!! Love her fishing pictures.. too fun! Thanks for being such a WONDERFUL friend!