So after some R&R on my part at my mom's we headed to see Jim's folks in West Tennessee. The kids had fun chasing Chloe and playing hide and seek outside.

yep, he's hiding in plain sight behind that tree!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we headed to the park. I think the kids seriously ran a circle up the stairs and down the slide for about 30 minutes straight!

It was then off to the mall for Jacob's first Build a Bear! He chose a black lab and we named him Tiger. Jacob gave him a bath and we picked a football outfit for him to wear. Thanks Mimi!

We also got to meet our sweet friends who moved to Memphis and have lunch with them. Here's Megan with Stacey and their foster baby.

And one of Jacob being silly on the car ride home.....both the kids pulled out these seat covers in Mimi's car and used them as toys.

That night we headed out for ice cream.....check out poppy's chin...silly man!

Jacob peeking through the window--Jim took him outside to run around.

The next day we headed back to the West Tennessee drive through safari. Jacob wasn't quite sure what to think about all those animals coming right up to the car.

Jim decided to feed Jerry the Giraffe again this year.

Then Mimi took a turn.

While Mimi was feeding Jerry, Jacob turned around, grabbed a carrot and walked right up to feed Jerry. He fed him the rest of the carrots!

He then bottle fed the sheep....

and gave the goats their food too!

Here's a rare shot of Meg on this day...she was not digging the animals like she did last year and hung back for most of our time there.

We headed out on our last night for another dinner out....yummy Red Robin then over to the Old Country Store (a local Jackson place) for hand scooped ice cream (yep, that's twice in one week, but hey, we're on vacation right?). Jacob poses with his silly face.

Megan and Jacob try a game of checkers with Poppy.

We had a blast and as you can see we ate a lot! We love visiting family, but then it was time to head back to Florida! Jim had a meeting late that night and Megan had to get back to school. We hope for another visit soon!